Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Opciones De Compra Vz 58

Publicado: 16/6/2011 2:24:30 PM EST

Bueno, tengo un hilo en el foro de AK sobre mi recién adquirida VZ.58. El problema es que la cosa me golpea en la mejilla al disparar. Es muy doloroso y en realidad dejó un bulto duro y elevado en mi mejilla, sobre mi hueso de la mandíbula, después de disparar sólo 10 rondas.

Debo señalar que tiro zurdo a pesar de que soy diestro. Esto es porque soy dominante del ojo izquierdo. También tuve un SVT-40 que me hizo esto, y cuando lo despedí con la mano derecha, el problema desapareció. Desafortunadamente, no tuve la previsión de probar el VZ zurdo. Disparar con mi off-eye no es una solución de todos modos.

Ahora antes de comentar, sé que sé cómo disparar, adquirir una soldadura de la mejilla, y no soy sensible al retroceso. Poseo numerosas pistolas, tanto de diseño semiautomático como de diseño de pernos, con cámara de 7,62x39. 303 británicos, 7,62x54 mmR. 30-06, 8mm Mauser, 7.5 suizo, y .308 que todos patean más duro que este pequeño VZ. También he poseído una subcarpeta AK (M70AB2) y un AMD-65 (con su alambre común) así que estoy familiarizado con las armas que tienen una mala soldadura de la mejilla. Ninguno de esos rifles eran dolorosos al fuego.

El VZ en la actualidad ni siquiera tiene el material plegable, que tiene la plena, sólida, fija madera impregnada stock de plástico.

La investigación en línea ha indicado una serie de causas posibles, desde las visiones bajas relativas a peine de la acción o el hecho de que el peine se levanta de atrás hacia delante. De cualquier manera, la relación de la población con mi mandíbula probablemente tiene algo que ver con ello.

Realmente no quiero vender este rifle como me gusta de otra manera. Es ligero, puntos bien, y está muy bien hecho. Realmente quiero hacer que funcione para mí, así que estoy adivinando que tengo que explorar otras opciones de acciones.

Ha habido un puñado de VZ.58 puestos aquí recientemente y el '58 no es un AK de todos modos, así que voy a preguntar aquí cuáles son mis opciones. Consideraría considerar varias existencias compatibles con ACE y ACE, las existencias plegables de fábrica o cualquier cosa que ustedes podrían recomendar para aliviar este problema.

CzechPoint SA vz.58 Carabina

A principios de 1400 un hombre llamado Jan Žižka enfrentó el poder del Sacro Imperio Romano. Un general reformista que fue pionero de la guerra de armas combinadas, Jan Žižka forjó un ejército inmejorable de campesinos y siervos liberados en lo que ahora es la República Checa. Su infantería, armada con armas de fuego, apoyaba carros blindados de guerra montados con cañones, que a su vez protegían a la infantería ya la caballería ligera de cargar a caballeros alemanes. Caballería, infantería, artillería y vehículos blindados & # 8211; El mundo nunca antes había visto tal ejército.

Tres CzechPoint Sa. Configuraciones vz.58: Militar, Carpeta Militar y Clásico Militar (el material plegable en la carabina central es un stock excedente bien utilizado que instalamos).

La contribución checa al avance de las armas de fuego era tan importante que todavía usamos un lenguaje basado en la terminología checa de hoy. Palabras como píštala y houfnice se convirtieron en pistola y obús en inglés, y los checos se han hecho conocer por una tradición de calidad e innovación sus armas de fuego. Las armas de fuego de fabricación checa han sido las armas de elección para generaciones de soldados de todo el mundo y, gracias a su superávit, gané un aprecio personal por Mausers checos y pistolas mientras crecía.

He encontrado otra vez esta tradición de la artesanía fina en el Sa vz.58 Carbine de CzechPoint, Inc.

Varias empresas están montando semi-auto vz. 58 rifles de partes excedentes en los EE. UU., pero sólo D-Technik carabinas, disponible en CzechPoint, Inc .. se construyen en la República Checa y se importan a los Estados Unidos como rifles completos. Recientemente recibí tres Sa vz. 58 rifles de CzechPoint. También recibí un Sa vz. Escorpión.

Cada arma de fuego CzechPoint incluye un DVD con información sobre la historia, el uso y el mantenimiento del arma.

Lo primero que noté al abrir las cajas fue la calidad del envase. Me he acostumbrado a recibir rifles sobrantes (e incluso muchos nuevos) revoloteando con diversas revistas sueltas en una caja sucia y destrozada; Los mangos de carga y los barriles que sobresalen de los orificios del cartón. Los rifles CzechPoint se envasan en cajas robustas con insertos de espuma adaptados. Esto es mejor que el embalaje utilizado para enviar los rifles deportivos más caros de los principales fabricantes. Dentro de cada caja, inmóvil en el inserto de espuma, era un Sa. Carabina vz.58 con una eslinga instalada, dos revistas, un kit de limpieza en una bolsa, y un DVD.

Sa. vz.58 Militar

El sa Vz.58 La carabina militar es una versión semiautomática del rifle de servicio checo estándar, ya que fue producida a partir de los años 1960 hasta la década de 1980. Lleva una bolsa y un protector de manos de un material compuesto rojo-marrón formado de plástico impregnado de madera. Este material era fuerte, impermeable a las condiciones climáticas, y de vanguardia cuando se desarrolló. El rifle que recibí fue terminado en el color gris militar original, con el freno original del cañón militar soldado encendido para traer el barril a un 16 & # 8243; longitud. También está disponible en un acabado negro más popular.

Sa. Vz.58 Carpeta militar

Construido a partir de los años 60 a través de los años 80, la versión plegable del Sa. Vz La carabina 58 fue utilizada principalmente por unidades de operaciones aéreas y especiales. El material plegable es de acero y tiene un robusto mecanismo de plegado que se cierra bien. Todos los controles se pueden alcanzar con el material plegado. Este rifle está disponible en los finales negros grises o populares originales y se puede comprar con el freno de bozal militar correcto o una extensión limpia del barril del perfil bajo permanentemente atada. El material plegable en mis fotos es un stock excedente que he instalado, y muestra un poco de desgaste. Las existencias de CzechPoint no muestran este desgaste.

Sa. Vz.58 Clásico militar

El excelente acabado de la madera de haya. Vz.58 Military Classic superó ampliamente mis expectativas

El sa Vz.58 Military Classic refleja la configuración de las primeras carabinas vz.58. El stock está hecho de haya y es mucho menos común que las últimas existencias de plástico impregnado de madera. Las existencias de estos rifles son existencias de excedentes originales y están bellamente restauradas con un acabado de aceite. Habiéndome acostumbrado a los acabados ásperos de las existencias excedentes de rifle disponibles en la actualidad, o las existencias deportivas modernas producidas en masa, me sorprendí y me impresionó mucho la calidad y la sensación de las acciones y protectores de mano en esta carabina. Esta carabina utilizó la extensión más barrida del barril en vez de un freno del bozal.

Primeras impresiones

Mi primera impresión de estas carabinas fue de calidad fuera de proporción con el costo. Si esta arma estuviera siendo producida por una compañía estadounidense que la ofreciera como una alternativa operada por pistón de alta calidad de la plataforma AR-15, esperaría un precio de $ 1.500 a $ 2.500. Tiene la apariencia, ajuste y sensación de un arma de fuego bien hecha. Otros importadores o fabricantes ofrecen rifles que son emparejados de piezas por parte de empleados con poca preparación. No es D-Technik. Claramente, se ha tenido mucho cuidado en la fabricación de estas carabinas.

Sa. Vz.58 Militares con acción plegable UA-VZP, agarre pistola AG-58, sistema de riel VFR-VZ y vista refleja Mepro M21.

La calidad del acabado es excelente. El revestimiento sobre el metal es suave, uniforme y ha demostrado ser muy duradero. El excedente de muebles de haya en el Clásico Militar parece nuevo. El mobiliario de madera impregnada de plástico también es excedente, ya que ese tipo de fabricación es fuera de estilo, pero el cuidado evidente se ha tomado para elegir el mejor de los muebles excedentes, ya que hay muy poco desgaste notable. Revistas son reacondicionados y actualizados, La eslinga es nuevo, y el kit de limpieza, mientras que el excedente, se ha limpiado y refinished.

Mi segunda impresión, al manipular la carabina, fue que estas carabinas simplemente se sienten bien. Ellos equilibran bien para mí, apuntan naturalmente, y son una longitud y un peso muy prácticos. Incluso con el receptor molido, el Sa. Vz.58 es casi una libra más ligero que un AK-47 sellado receptor. El selector de seguridad se manipula fácilmente con la mano de disparo sin perder el agarre de disparo en el arma.

El sa La carabina vz.58 funciona a través de un sistema de pistón de gas de carrera corta. El gas es extraído desde el orificio, operando un pistón cromado duro que empuja el soporte del perno hacia atrás, haciendo circular la acción. El diseño del pistón de gas es limpio y simple, y no es propenso a ensuciar. El pistón de carrera corta disminuye el retroceso y no circula tan violentamente como el sistema de carrera larga del AK-47.

La manija fija de la carga se fija al lado derecho si el portador del perno en un ángulo levemente hacia arriba, haciendo la operación simple con cualquier mano. La parte trasera de la acción está cubierta por una cubierta de acero estampada del receptor, y cuando el cerrojo se cierra la acción que selló completamente. Cuando el perno está abierto, toda la acción es accesible, disminuyendo la probabilidad de un mal funcionamiento y permitiendo la eliminación fácil de cualquier atasco que pudiera ocurrir.

La palanca selectora de la vz.58 muestra un diseño mucho más inteligente que el del AK-47

El selector de seguridad se encuentra en el lado derecho del receptor y se acciona con el dedo del gatillo si el tirador es diestro. El selector se mueve hacia abajo a una posición vertical para colocar el arma en la caja fuerte, y en esta posición se puede sentir por la mano del gatillo, haciendo obvio que la seguridad está comprometida. Para colocar el arma en el modo de fuego, el selector es empujado hacia adelante a una posición horizontal por el dedo del gatillo como se mueve hacia el gatillo.

La revista es curvada como la revista AK-47, pero no necesita ser balanceada hacia adelante hasta el AK-47 requiere cuando se inserta y se retira. El cargador se libera con una paleta en el lado izquierdo del protector del gatillo y activa un tope de tornillo cuando está vacío para bloquear el perno de nuevo después de que se dispara la última ronda. Los cargadores pueden cambiarse o cargarse a través de la acción con clips de extracción.

La vista delantera en el vz.58 ajusta similar al AK-47 para el windage y la elevación y la vista posterior es una visión de la hoja tangente ajustable a 800 metros.

El perno está bloqueado por una cerradura de culata descendente que se acopla a dos rebajes mecanizados en el receptor. A medida que el portador del perno se mueve hacia atrás, excita el cerrojo de la culata fuera del acoplamiento con el receptor para desbloquear la culata.

La característica más singular es la falta de un martillo convencional. El sa Vz.58 es básicamente un arma disparada atacante, o como algunos la etiqueta, un diseño de martillo lineal. El pestillo libera un percutor que se desplaza hacia delante, empujando un percutor flotante en contacto con el cebador para disparar el cartucho. Este sistema tiene un tiempo de bloqueo más corto que un martillo convencional, lo que tiende a mejorar la precisión de un tirador.

Comparación con el AK-47

Muchos tiradores estadounidenses creen erróneamente que la v.58 es sólo otro clon AK-47. Mientras que el AK-47 y vz.58 comparten papeles similares y son compartidos para el mismo calibre, son sistemas de armas totalmente diferentes, como lo muestra esta breve comparación:


Ambas carabinas disparan el cartucho soviético de 7,62 & # 215; 39 de 30 revistas redondas.

Ambas carabinas son simples y fáciles de operar y mantener.

Ambas carabinas están diseñadas para funcionar en las peores condiciones ambientales con un mínimo de mantenimiento.


El sa Vz.58 tiene un receptor molido, el receptor estándar AK-47 está estampado.

El sa Vz.58 es aproximadamente 1 libra más ligero que el AK-47 estampado.

El sa Revistas vz.58 son la mitad del peso de las revistas AK-47.

El sa Vz.58 perno permanece abierto después de la última ronda; El perno AK-47 no lo hace.

El sa Vz.58 puede cargarse en la parte superior con clips de separación; AK-47 no puede.

El Sa. Vz.58 utiliza un pistón de gas de carrera corta; AK-47 utiliza un sistema de carrera larga.

El sa Vz.58 es atacante disparado; AK-47 utiliza un martillo.

El sa El selector vz.58 es operado sin mover una mano del arma; AK-47 requiere que se mueva una mano.


El sa Vz.58 muestra una mano de obra mucho más fina que la mayoría de las carabinas de estilo AK-47. Más liviano, más corto y mejor equilibrado que el AK, el vz.58 muestra claramente que se ha prestado atención a la ergonomía en el diseño de esta arma. Tiene varias ventajas importantes sobre el AK-47. La palanca selectora es pequeña y se puede accionar con el dedo del gatillo sin cambiar el agarre del tirador en el arma. La palanca selectora del AK-47 es muy difícil de usar en una situación táctica. Después de la última ronda se ha disparado, el perno vz.58 permanece abierto, y el cargador se puede reemplazar con un cargados cargador o recargar a través de la acción con clips de extracción. Los clips del separador de SKS trabajan muy bien. El sistema de pistón de gas de carrera corta vz.58 tiene menos masa alternante y reduce el retroceso al tiempo que mejora la precisión y las características de manejo. Recoil es cómodo y recto en el hombro, más como el retroceso de un AR-15 que el del AK-47.

Compatibilidad de la Revista

He oído muchas críticas a esta arma porque no usa las revistas AK-47. Creo que los que critican la vz.58 por esta razón no están realmente pensando en su argumento. El sa Vz.58 usa revistas propietarias. Lo mismo ocurre con el AK-47, el AR-15 y el M14. La mayoría de las armas bien-consideradas usan las revistas propietarias. Las revistas vz.58 juegan un papel importante en la fabricación del arma superior al AK-47. ¿Realmente querríamos perder esa superioridad sólo para poder usar una revista diseñada para una arma diferente? Podría entender si vz.58 revistas eran caras o raras, pero son fáciles de encontrar y al menos tan barato como la mayoría de las revistas AK-47. No tienen que moverse hacia adelante tan lejos como los cargadores de AK cuando se inserta o se quita. Las revistas vz.58 son más ligeras que las revistas AK, muestran una mejor ejecución y, lo que es más importante, mantenga el perno abierto después de que se dispare la última ronda. ¿Quién querría perder esa capacidad?

Disponibilidad en los Estados Unidos

El CzechPoint Sa. Vz.58 es superior a la mayoría de los clones vz.58 en varias áreas importantes.

Hay varias compañías en los EEUU que están montando una cierta variación del vz.58 de kits militares importados de las piezas excedentes. La calidad varía dependiendo de los estándares del fabricante en particular. Mientras que algunas de estas empresas producen armas de alta calidad, hay un tema importante a considerar. Cuando la versión semi-auto de la Sa. Vz.58 carabina se produjo por primera vez, un grave problema de confiabilidad salió a la luz. Cuando se eliminó la capacidad de fuego selecto del arma, muchos tiradores experimentaron fallos de encendido. Los fallos de encendido dependían del estilo del tirador en particular de manipulación del gatillo. D-Technik pasó varios años identificando y solucionando el problema. D-Technik encontró y patentó una serie de soluciones para el problema de fallos de encendido antes de implementar la mejor solución y el fabricante a escala completa de la semi-auto Sa. Vz.58. La mayoría de las compañías que fabrican carabinas a partir de kits de piezas no son conscientes de este problema o no pueden abordarlo debido a las patentes de D-Technik.

Nuestra primera opción es el CzechPoint Sa. Vz.58 fabricado por D-Technik en la República Checa. Las armas CzechPoint son las únicas vz.58 que se importan como armas de fuego completas. Ellos muestran la típica mano de obra checa de alta calidad. Lo más importante es que cuentan con la solución de D-Technik el problema de fiabilidad semiautomático. El CzechPoint Sa. Vz.58 también usa los barriles checos originales cromados de longitud apropiada, con una pequeña extensión de barril permanentemente unida o un freno de bozal militar correcto para cumplir con los requisitos de longitud de barril de los Estados Unidos.

Probablemente la más conocida de las armas ensambladas de las piezas-kit de los EEUU es las armas del siglo VZ-2008. Aunque ligeramente más barato que las carabinas CzechPoint, el Century Arms VZ-2008 tiende a mostrar una calidad variada de mano de obra y es históricamente incorrecto. Aquí hay una comparación entre el CzechPoint Sa. Vz.58 y el siglo VZ-2008:

Sa. Vz.58 tiene un barril cromado-alineado & # 8211; Vz.2008 no está cromado.

Sa. Vz.58 tiene una garantía de cinco años & # 8211; Vz.2008 tiene una garantía de un año.

Sa. Vz.58 incluye dos revistas con el rifle - vz.2008 incluye una revista.

Sa. Vz.58 pronto tendrá un riel lateral con deflector de la cubierta para la óptica montada detrás & # 8211; Vz.2008 no tiene un riel lateral para la óptica montada en la parte trasera.

Sa. Vz.58 está disponible con diferentes conjuntos de muebles (incluyendo madera de haya original).

Sa. Vz.58 tiene un acabado revestido ofrecido en negro o gris (rifles terminados gris son un fósforo a los militares originales publicados vz.58) & # 8211; Vz.2008 está parkerized.

Sa. Vz.58 tiene un tirón de gatillo más ligero, ya que utiliza un resorte de plumas & # 8211; Vz.2008 es más pesado, ya que utiliza dos resortes de plumas.

Sa. Vz.58 la seguridad gira hacia delante para disparar - más fácil de colocar en el modo de fuego rápidamente & # 8211; Vz.2008 la seguridad gira hacia atrás (no es tan rápida y la mano debe dejar la empuñadura de la pistola para girar al fuego).

Sa. Vz.58 se ofrece actualmente con una extensión de hocico permanentemente unida o una ruptura de bozal emitida por militares checos originales & # 8211; Vz.2008 usa una ruptura inclinada de AK.

Sa. Vz.58 es fabricado por una fábrica dedicada a la calidad. Es un rifle fabricado checo. Century externaliza su fabricación a armeros independientes.

Para aquellos que tienen vz.58s construido a partir de un kit de piezas, el perno semi-automático se puede comprar en CzechPoint para corregir el problema de fallos de encendido. Los propietarios canadienses de vz.58 también se beneficiarán comprando el perno semi-automático, ya que los semi-auto vz.58s importados en Canadá tienen el mismo problema de fallos de encendido.


El sa Vz.58 es una excelente arma con características modernas. Fab Defense, una fabricación de accesorios de armas para el ejército israelí, fue la primera en ofrecer una gama completa de accesorios tácticos modernos para aumentar la eficacia del sistema de armas. Estos accesorios han sido puestos a disposición en los EE. UU. a través de The Mako Group. Instalamos varios de estos accesorios en nuestra CzechPoint Sa. Vz.58s para su revisión.

El primer cambio fue el reemplazo de la empuñadura de pistola original en las dos carabinas. El AG-58 es un puño de pistola ergonómico diseñado específicamente para la vz.58. Construido de polímero reforzado, cuenta con un compartimiento de almacenamiento con un inserto extraíble diseñado para contener las baterías CR123A. La instalación es tan simple como quitar un tornillo, quitar el agarre original y sujetar el AG-58 con el tornillo suministrado. El AG-58 Pistol Grip mejora la manipulación del gatillo debido a un mejor ángulo de agarre y forma.

El SA-58 es un reemplazo para los guardamanos de fábrica. Con un riel superior, carril inferior y carriles laterales extraíbles, estos guardamanos están construidos a partir de un compuesto de polímero de grado militar reforzado. El ajuste es generalmente apretado para garantizar una instalación sólida, sin movimiento en el arma. Algunas armas pueden requerir un ligero ajuste, dependiendo de la construcción, pero caben en la carabina CzechPoint fue perfecto. El guardabarros superior se indexa con el inferior para evitar el movimiento de cualquier óptica instalada o láser. Estos protectores de mano son ligeros, atractivos, encajan bien en el arma, y ​​no son caros.

Sistema de raíles VFR-VZ, Acciones plegables UAS-VZP y agarre de pistola AG58 en vz.58

Instalamos el sistema VFR-VZ en el segundo Sa. Vz.58. Construido para uso militar, está diseñado para retener el cero de la óptica montada. El VFR-VZ se mecaniza de aluminio y tiene 4 carriles, con los carriles superiores e inferiores que se extienden hacia adelante del handguard. El sistema ferroviario es ligero y tiene grandes puertos de refrigeración para permitir el enfriamiento del cañón. La mitad superior reemplaza el tubo de pistón de gas de fábrica. Los dos halve juntos y son muy seguros. Al disparar con una óptica montada no pude conseguir que el cero cambiara aplicando un par de torsión al sistema de rieles. El uso de visores de hierro no se ve afectado.

El trasero rojo original comienza a parecer un poco extraño una vez que la carabina está usando el handguards negro y el apretón. El material de una de las carabinas fue reemplazado por el kit de culata plegable SBT-V58FK. Este kit consiste en una extensión de receptor estilo M4 que tiene un sistema de compensación de retroceso incorporado en él y un culata israelí GLR-16. La extensión de compensación de retroceso está disponible por sí mismo para aquellos que deseen utilizar un stock diferente. Funciona con cualquier plegable AR-15 buttstock estilo que se ajuste a un tubo comercial. También está disponible en un diseño de compensación de no retroceso. Informaré sobre la compensación de retroceso una vez que tenga una manera efectiva de medirlo.

Una almohadilla de goma en la acción proporciona un excelente agarre contra la armadura corporal y comodidad bajo el retroceso, aunque estas carabinas tienen muy poco retroceso para empezar. El stock GLR-16 tiene dos puntos de anclaje de liberación rápida, puntos de fijación de la eslinga trasera estándar y un punto de anclaje de punto único en la parte delantera. El balancín se abre y revela el almacenamiento de dos baterías CR123A. Los dispositivos de tensión automáticos evitan el desplazamiento indeseable del material en la extensión, y el mismo stock se ajusta tanto a las extensiones comerciales como a las extensiones de receptor de mil-spec firmemente.

El stock está en ángulo correctamente para una ergonomía excelente y la longitud ajustable de tirón hace la carabina aún más versátil que era con el stock fijo.

UAS-VZP Acciones plegables en posición plegada

La otra carabina recibió una acción plegable con una pieza ajustable de la mejilla. El sistema de valores UAS-VZP es perfecto para carabinas Sa. vz.58 que tienen óptica montada. La pieza ajustable de la mejilla permite una perfecta soldadura de la mejilla a la altura correcta para la óptica montada, pero se puede colapsar al instante para el uso de vista de hierro. La junta es un diseño robusto y aerodinámico que es rápido de operar con una mano. Se empuja un botón para liberar el material de la posición bloqueada. La acción se sostiene positivamente en la posición plegada y se puede desplegar simplemente balanceándola hacia fuera hasta que trabaje. En la posición cerrada, no hay movimiento notable. El diseño es modular y se puede conmutar para doblar a la izquierda oa la derecha. El vz.58 se puede disparar con el material plegado. Esta acción también ofrece un buttpad de goma. Lo que más me gusta es que no parece un M4. Realmente no pienso que cada arma necesita parecer una M4.

Antes de disparar el Sa. Vz.58, monté un Mepro M21 (auto-propulsado vista refleja) en el riel superior de la VFR-VZ handguard. Disparando en el desierto de Arizona, pude detectar fácilmente el impacto de mis rondas e incluso sin avistamiento, la reducción a cero tomó sólo unas cuantas rondas. Después de la reducción a cero, con el fin de mantener mi evaluación lo más científica posible, disparé una variedad de objetivos, como latas viejas de refrescos, botellas de plástico y una granada de humo gastada que encontré en el desierto. En rangos de hasta 250 metros, golpeo incluso objetivos pequeños con facilidad. El equilibrio y las características de manejo de la carabina Sa. vz.58 eran muy cómodos para mí, y el arma parecía encontrar el objetivo de forma natural. Recoil era mucho más agradable y menos errático que los rifles AK-47 que he disparado. El freno de la boca parece muy eficaz para controlar la elevación del hocico. La acción de UAS-VZ me dio la altura que necesitaba para la vista de Mepro M21, y la longitud de tirón era cómoda. Me quedé muy contento con lo bien que disparó la carabina.

La precisión y la fiabilidad eran excelentes con la munición de acero de la caja rusa que estaba rodando, pero todavía no he rodado para probar la precisión. Voy a obtener una munición mejor y disparar para la precisión.

Pasaré algún tiempo haciendo más rodaje con estas carabinas y reportaré los resultados en el futuro, pero mi impresión hasta ahora ha sido muy buena. Tengo que decir el Sa. Vz.58 se ha convertido en una de mis armas favoritas.

¿Mi conclusión? Para una carabina moderna de alta calidad y pistón, con una cámara más pesada que la AR-15 con mejor calidad que la AK-47, la CzechPoint Sa. Vz.58 es difícil de superar. Los accesorios modernos están fácilmente disponibles. Varios fabricantes de municiones están haciendo mejores cargas para el calibre que estaban disponibles en el pasado. Mantenimiento simple. Los controles son intuitivos, el equilibrio es excelente, el peso es ligero y el precio es correcto. Conseguir uno. A usted le gustará.

Exclusivo: Czech Point Vz58 SBR

Este fin de semana tuve la oportunidad de manejar el nuevo CzechPoint Vz.58 SBR que llegará al mercado este otoño. Estoy entusiasmado con la introducción de este rifle como un fan de la Vz.58 de tamaño completo que realmente no ha recibido la atención que merece en el mercado de los Estados Unidos.

El rifle está siendo construido por CzechPoint y distribuido exclusivamente por AGS Armament. Se me prometió uno de los primeros modelos de producción fuera de la línea y le daré un informe completo sobre él una vez que tenga la oportunidad de exprimirlo a fondo. Aquí es lo que sé hasta ahora.

CzechPoint toma un rifle Vz.58 estándar y acorta todo hacia delante del receptor (sistema de gas, barril, protectores de mano, etc.). Habrá dos versiones disponibles. El que usted ve aquí tiene un handguard delantero pesadamente truncado que lo hace un paquete excepcionalmente corto. El otro (que no aparece en la foto) tendrá un guardabarros delantero de tamaño estándar y será de aproximadamente 4 & # 8243; Más largo de todos. El super corto SBR (foto) tendrá una longitud de 28 & # 8243; Con la acción extendida y 19 & # 8243; Con el material plegado. Ese es un paquete MUY pequeño. Yo no tenía una balanza a mano para pesar el rifle, pero diré que se sentía como si fuera menos de 6 libras por lo que es un paquete muy ligero también.

El SBR con la acción plegada es solamente 19 & # 8243; en longitud.

El rifle es compartimentado en 7.62 & # 215; 39 con rumores de una 5.56 & # 215; 45 versión abajo del camino. El bozal lleva un freno de boca de boquilla CzechPoint diseñado que añade otro 1 & # 8243; O por lo tanto a la longitud y se dice que es eficaz, sin embargo no tenía la oportunidad de disparar a confirmar la eficacia.

El poste de la vista delantera es mucho más fino que un poste delantero estándar de Vz.58 que ayude en la obtención de una imagen más útil de la vista con el radio corto de la vista. La vista trasera es típica para el rifle con ajustes de elevación graduados de hasta 800m, que me parece ser más que un poco optimista para un 7,5 & # 8243; Rifle de 7.62 & # 215; 39 de cañón. Yo diría que tiene un alcance efectivo práctico de 200 metros o menos en el mejor de los casos.

El rifle que entregué no tenía un riel accesorio izquierdo para el montaje de la óptica. La versión final de producción tendrá agujeros taladrados y roscados para que pueda montar un soporte de carril usted mismo (se vende por separado). Esto le dará la opción de montar la óptica de una manera similar a cómo se montan en AK & # 8217; s.

El aluminio 30 revistas redondas estará abundantemente disponible. La pistola tiene un ajuste muy agradable, acabado y cayó a ella. Me di cuenta de que lleva un tipo Mako tipo de pistola de agarre que he encontrado muy ergonómico en el Vz.58.

El precio estará en los $ 1,100 & # 8211; $ 1,300, además de no olvidar el molestoso impuesto de $ 200 NFA por ser un SBR. Sin embargo, voy a decir esto, quiero uno. Malo. Es increíblemente ligero, corto, práctico y muy posiblemente uno de los mejores armas de camión que encontrarás en el mercado asumiendo que funciona tan bien como parece.

Mucha gente confunde al Vz.58 como un pariente del AK-47 & # 8212; Pero no lo es. Las dos únicas cosas que el Vz.58 tiene en común con el AK-47 es el calibre y una apariencia exterior similar. Internamente, los dos no son iguales. El sistema de gas, sistema de disparo, revistas, existencias, seguridad, etc son todos muy diferentes y no un componente único es intercambiable entre los dos. El Vz.58 se ha ganado una reputación estelar para confiable sin embargo, que es otro atributo que comparte con el AK-47.

Estén atentos para más información sobre este nuevo producto emocionante. Vea a continuación algunas imágenes de Flickr de alta resolución.

[Fsg_gallery id = & # 8221; 7 & # 8243;]

Opciones de compra Vz 58

Opciones de compra Vz 58

Autor: dodrive Fecha de publicación: 02.02.2016

Opciones de compra Vz 58

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Información técnica (para personal de apoyo)

Vz58 Stock Adapters ACTUALIZACIÓN: Ahora 3 versiones!

Vz58 Stock Adapters ACTUALIZACIÓN: Ahora 3 versiones!

Terminé la primera serie de adaptadores de stock para el Vz58.

La primera está diseñada para utilizar una carabina tipo ar-15.

Habrá un par más adaptadores a seguir pero uno debe comenzar en alguna parte y éste es él

The next one which is also a carbine stock adapter will come straight out from the receiver and will be out this weekend if they get through anodize on time.

If there is call for it I will make a run of adapters for ACE skeleton stocks.

And perhaps last will be a dedicated hinge so you can fold your factory fixed stock.

The ACE type adapter (SA-VZ58-03) is here!

Here are some pics of the adapter and attached with various stock possibilities.

These will be on stormwerkz. com by Sunday October 26th.

The straight version (SA-VZ58-02) is now available.

This version uses the ar-15 carbine stock and comes straight out from the receiver. Great for optic use.

Here are some pics!

Factory Angle adapter

Gun Review: Czech Vzor 58

By Joe Grine on April 2, 2014

The Czechoslovakian Sa Vz. 58 assault rifle has to rank high as one of the least understood and most underappreciated military rifles of the twentieth century. Case in point: for many years I thought that it was simply a copy of the AK-47. But I’m not alone: I’ve even seen it described in books as being an “AK.” However, outward appearances aside, they only thing the Vz. 58 has in common with an AK-47 is the round it shoots: the M43 (7.62 x 39mm). In fact, internally this rifle has more in common with Walther P38s, Beretta 92s, Brens, and Glocks than it does with an AK-47. Over the past couple years, I had the opportunity to test two civilian-legal adaptations of the original Czech design: the D-Techniks Vz. 58 “Sporter”, and a Century Arms International Inc. parts kit build called the “Vz. 2008.”.

Century Arms Int. Vz. 2008

A couple of introductory points: First, a short primer on terminology. The “Sa” is an abbreviation for the Czech word “Samopal,” which I am told means something along the lines of “automatic firearm” or “submachine gun.” The “Vz.” is an abbreviation for “Vzor,” which means “model.” You will see folks refer to these guns as “CZ 58s,” but that name is technically not correct, despite the fact that CZ did manufacture them.

Second, I should point out the first photo, above, shows a modern, pimped-out sporter version of the Vz. 58 with furniture provided to TTAG courtesy of the Mako Group /and FAB Defense. I review these accessories separately in a companion article. The second photo shows a common parts kit gun with OEM furniture. This particular sample is a rifle from Century Arms International known as the Vz. 2008.

And with that, let’s start with a little history….

History and Evolution of the Vz. 58

When it comes to making military and sporting small arms, the country formerly known as Czechoslovakia had a long and rich history that dates back to the 17 th Century. Prior to World War II, Czech-made small arms were prized for their innovation, quality machining, and attention to detail. As an example, the VB Vz. 26 and its later variants became the template for both the British Bren gun and the Japanese Type 96 / 99 machine gun. The British also built a licensed version of the Tk Vz. 37. an innovative belt-fed 7.92 x 57 machinegun that featured an adjustable cyclic rate for use against ground and air targets. Czech-made Vz. 24 Mausers were considered to be among the finest bolt action rifles in the world, and were widely exported.

During World War II, Czech arms manufacture fell under the control of the Germans. The Nazis made extensive use of many of the Czechoslovakian arms factories to supply both the SS and the Wehrmacht. For example, Mauser K98s, MG34s, and other weapons were produced at the world-renowned Československá zbrojovka, akc. spol. (now called “Zbrojovka Brno a. s.”) in the city of Brno. This city is also referred to as “Brunn,” esp. by German-speaking people. This factory produced German-designed rifles in WWII, and today Mauser collectors will frequently see samples of K98s with this factory’s “Dot” code. The Germans also oversaw production of German Mausers at a lesser-known factory located in the Slovakian town of Provazska Bistrica. These rifles featured the “Dou” factory code, as shown in the photo below:

After the Soviets ousted the Germans from Czech territory in 1945, they allowed the formation of a new coalition government. Sympathy for both the Soviets and Communism ran high, and the country created strong ties to the Soviet Union. In 1946, candidates the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (“KSC”) gained 38% of the vote in the first national elections. But the commies were not content with sharing power, because, as history teaches us, totalitarianism is the silent partner of Communism. So with the help of their Soviet overloads, KSC launched a successful coup d’état in 1948, in which the non-KSC parties were driven out of the coalition government. Czechoslovakia became one of the most loyal of the new Soviet puppet states.

In the years following World War II, Czechoslovakia recognized that technological inovations were driving a need for lightweight, compact infantry rifles with high rates of fire. Nonetheless, the first post-war design to be fielded by the Czechs, the Vz. 52 , was not such a design. Rather, the Vz. 52 was a tilting-bolt lock action with a short-stroke gas piston operation; similar in appearance and function to the Simonov SKS, MAS 49, or a FN 49. It used a new, proprietary, 7.62 x 45 mm round, which would prove to be short-lived.

But the Vz. 52 was merely a stop-gap, and even before it was adopted, the Czechs began development on an improved rifle that could combine select-fire and higher magazine capacity of the submachine gun with the longer range and energy of the self loading rifle. Unlike other satellite states such as Poland, Hungary, and Romania, however, the Soviets rewarded Czech loyalty with some degree of autonomy: they allowed the Czechs to pursue their own rifle design rather than insisting on the production of a Kalashnikov clone.

In 1951, three independent engineering teams were working on designs for a new assault rifle based on the 7.62 x 45 round. The first was the Koucky brothers (future CZ 75 designers), who submitted the ZK 503. The second was the Czech gun designer Vaclav Holek, who had previously invented the ZB 26. His submission was the ZB 530. Finally, a team headed by a 25-year-old gun designer named Jiří Čermák (1926–2006) submitted the “Cz 515” prototype. Though seemingly an unlikely candidate to run such an operation, Mr. Čermák had gained considerable experience as part of the CZ team that designed the Vz. 52.

The Čz 515 fired from the open bolt – a requirement specified by the Czech army. During testing, the Čz 515 did not meet military accuracy requirements, a fault attributed to the open-bolt design. To address the issue, Mr. Čermák re-designed a second prototype rifle, the Čz 522, to fire from the closed bolt position. In addition, the barrel of this new prototype was shortened to 350 mm and had the charging/cocking handle attached directly to the bolt carrier.

By 1954, the designs from the three competing engineering firms were put to a series of tests by the both the Czech Army and the Red Army in the Soviet Union. Although this testing revealed that all three designs needed further refinement, the Soviets praised the ČZ 522 over the two competing designs.

Around that same time, the KSC had nationalized and centralized virtually all industry in Czechoslovakia, gradually bringing about the end the independent design offices of individual arms factories. In their place, the KSC built a large specialized research and development center, which was initially named “Konstrukta Brno” (after its place of residence in the City of Brno). Jiří Čermák began working at Konstruckta on October of 1954, and development of a new assault rifle began there shortly thereafter at this facility.

Unfortunately, Soviet meddling slowed progress. Specifically, the formation of the Warsaw Pact meant standardization on military ammunition, and the end of the Czech 7.62 x 45 round. Nonetheless, it wasn’t until the first quarter of 1956 that the Soviets were able to provide Czech designers with the technical specifications for the M43 7.62×39 mm cartridge. With the specs for the new round in hand, resumption of design work commenced. However, somewhere in that timeframe, the other two design teams bowed out of the running.

The first of Mr. Jiří Čermák’s prototypes to use the M43 cartridge was the model Sa 56. It was another “close-but-no-cigar” affair. During the next phase of design work, the hammer was replaced with a striker system, in order to achieve a lower cyclic rate of fire. Testing also confirmed that this change increased accuracy in full automatic fire. Additional weight reduction was achieved by manufacturing the magazine from aluminum alloy (the weight savings with the six magazines around 2 pounds). By the time the Czech military accepted the final Sa Vz. 58 design, they had a weapon that was considerably lighter and more compact than an AK-47 or AKM, while achieving better accuracy in semi-automatic mode.

Production of the Sa Vz. 58 commenced in 1959 at the Ceska Zbrojovka Uhersky Brod, a. s. factory (“CZ-UB”) . Located in the town of Uhersky Brod (pop.

18,000), this company is known to most U. S. shooters simply as “CZ.” CZ-UB produced around 920,000 copies of this weapon system from 1959 to 1984.

Of course, having gone to the dark side, Czechoslovakia was more than happy to supply the world’s worst leftie despots with military arms. It wasn’t long before the Sa Vz. 58 started showing up in the all the world’s garden spots, from Vietnam to Angola to the Ivory Coast. The list of countries that purchased the Vz. 58 for their militaries reads like a nightmare: Cuba, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Uganda, Libya, Somalia, India, Lebanon, Angola, Mozambique, Iraq, Tanzania, and Grenada.

The good news is that after the cold war “ended,” the Czech people regained their sanity, jettisoned the brutal communists, and joined NATO. Since that time, the Czech Republic has begun to move on to newer rifle designs, thus allowing for the importation of surplus Vz.58s into the U. S.

Overview of the Vz. 58 Design

D-Techniks Vz. 58 “Sporter” w/ North Eastern Arms top Rail and Vortex SPARC

First off: this ain’t no stinkin’ AK. Although outwardly similar to an AK-47, it is important to note at the outset that none of the SA Vz. 58 parts are interchangeable with an AK: not the mags, not the pistol grip, nothing. Nadda. Fuggetaboudit.

When you pick up a Vz. 58, the first thing you will notice is how light and handy it is. In terms of weight and portability, it feels remarkably similar to a M-1 carbine. Even with the milled receiver, the Vz. 58 is more than a pound lighter than a stamped AK-47. And unlike the pistol-caliber M-1 Carbine, this beast will spit out 123 grain rifle-caliber projectiles at over 2200 fps.

The basic features of the Vz. 58 include:

Milled steel receiver.

Striker fired (similar to a Glock pistol).

Short stroke gas piston.

Reciprocating bolt handle.

a tilting lock action with a dropping block (similar to Walther P38s or Beretta 92s).

Bolt hold-open on empty magazine.

Aluminum alloy 30 round magazines.

Tangent rear sights, protected post front site.

No ejection port dust cover (the receiver is completely enclosed by the bolt carrier).

stripper clip guide to facilitate loading magazines with chargers.

Here’s a photo showing how you can use the bolt carrier as a guide to load mags from chargers:

How the Action Works

As mentioned above, the Vz. 58 is gas operated; it uses a short-stroke gas piston to cycle the action. The bolt assembly of the Vz. 58 consists of four separate pieces: the bolt, the locking lugs, the striker, and the bolt carrier. Note that there is no traditional “hammer” in the trigger pack. The photo below shows the bolt carrier, the striker (at left), as well as the bolt and locking piece:

These two photos show the bolt, the locking piece, and firing pin. Note that the firing pin is not normally removed during field-stripping / cleaning. While I have successfully removed and installed the firing pin, putting the bolt back together is one of those “three hands required” operations. So I don’t recommend taking the bolt apart as part of normal cleaning.

Once a round is fired, gas bled from the barrel sends a gas pistol (i. e. a chrome-plated tappet rod) rearward. This rod slams into the bolt carrier, and a spring returns the tappet rod back to its forward position. Nonetheless, energy is transferred to the bolt carrier, sending it rearward as it rides on rails located inside the receiver. The spent brass casing is pulled out of the chamber and racked over a fixed ejector, which jettisons the casing up and out of the receiver. The rearward force of the bolt carrier cams the locking lugs upward out of their locking recesses.

As the bolt carrier travels rearward, it brings the striker with it. In the process, the striker rolls over the sear. The sear acts as a one way ratchet, and blocks the striker from returning to the forward position as the bolt carrier moves back forward under spring tension. The striker remains locked to the rear under spring tension, as it contains an internal striker spring. The bolt carrier moves back to the forward position, and in the process, strips a new cartridge out of the magazine and into the chamber. The locking lugs are cammed downward and lock the bolt in place.

When the trigger is pressed, the disconnector moves the sear downward, thereby enabling the striker to slam foward under spring tension and hit the back of the short firing pin contained in the bolt. The round’s primer is ignited, and the process starts again.

Background on the Civilian Legal Variants Found in the U. S.

CAI Vz. 2008

Based on my experience, it appears that U. S. collectors will typically run across five different makes of Vz. 58s on the civilian market. The first are Vz. 58 “Sporters,” manufactured by Czech Small Arms (“CSA”) (formerly known as “D-Techniks”). D-Techniks began exportation of these guns to the U. S. in January of 2006. Collectors will encounter samples with various import marks, including Waffen Werks (“WW”), Tennessee Guns Int. (“TGI”), CzechPoint USA (“CSA”), etc.

To clear up confusion, it is worth noting that CSA and Ceska Zbrojovka Uhersky Brod, a. s., (aka “CZ”) are different companies. Czech Small Arms is a small manufacturing facility located in a town called Jablunka, Czech Republic. CSA currently owns the rights to build the Vz. 58, which it purchased from CZ.

CzechPoint, USA is the current U. S. importer and exclusive distributor for CSA. Before CzechPoint acquired the importer’s license, CzechPoint contracted with WW and TGI to import D-Technik firearms into the U. S. At that time, CzechPoint was acting solely as a distributor. Now that Czechpoint has an importer’s license, it manages both importation and distribution.

The Vz. 58s made by CSA are partially kit guns: the firm hand selects original military issue surplus parts and assembles them onto newly manufactured receivers with new hammer-forged barrels. CSA has been introducing more new parts into the production of their rifles, because surplus parts in excellent condition are getting more and more difficult to find. Although CSA purchases surplus military rifles on the surplus market for these builds, it is getting to the point where many of these parts are in too bad of shape to use on CSA rifles. As a result, CSA is currently manufacturing the following parts in house:


Polymer furniture

Trigger guard

Bolts (in 7.62 x 39 and 5.56 x 45)

Gas adapter/block

Front sight base



various screws, pins, and springs

Soon, CSA will be manufacturing receiver covers, bolt carriers, and locking pieces in house.

A second commonly-encountered variant is the Century Arms International Vz. 2008. This is a surplus parts kit gun made on U. S. made receivers machined from 4140 steel, hardened to 40-45 RC. It features a new U. S. made barrel, rumored to be made by Green Mountain, as well as U. S. made “922r compliance parts.” It typically comes with 1 magazine, and a cleaning kit. AIM Surplus currently advertises these at $499 with 5 magazines, a used surplus bayonet and scabbard, and a used pigskin mag pouch, which is admittedly an incredible deal if you are willing to take the risk on a Century product.

A third, more rare type of Vz. 58 found on the secondary market are ones that bear the CZ label: CZ USA contracted with Czechpoint to import “tactical” and “military sporter” models of the Vz.58 into the U. S. from 2007-2010. Ironically, these rifles were “manufactured” by D-Techniks and combining original CZ Sa Vz. 58 components with a new semi-auto only milled receiver, a new trigger mechanism and new fire control parts.

CZ USA purchased both their Vz.58 rifles and Vz. 61 Scorpions from CzechPoint, until CzechPoint made the decision to be the sole distributor and grow the CzechPoint brand. Many people are under the incorrect assumption that CZ USA imported or manufactured the Vz.58 and Vz.61 – that is not the case. CZ USA purchased the Vz.58 and Vz.61s from CzechPoint and their firearms were rebranded by CZ USA.

Fourth, you will also run into U. S. made parts-kit build guns made companies such as Ohio Ordnance Works. Ohio Rapid Fire, or Waffen Werks.

The guns made by Ohio Ordnance Works will be marked “VZ. 2000,” and my understanding is that they started production in 2003 and are still making them, well equipped, for around $1000. Ohio Rapid Fire manufactured Vz. 58s from around 2008-2010, but the company is now defunct. Quality was reportedly spotty on the ORF guns, but I have no first-hand experience with them.

Lastly, it’s possible to encounter one-off parts kit builds made on U. S. made receivers by who knows who. These “bubba-build” guns are the least desirable and should be avoided unless of known provenance or accompanied by a good guarantee / warranty. The now-defunct company “Ohio Rapid Fire” made receivers, and from the internet chatter you read, there were many problems with them being out of spec.

A new company known as “Assault Weapons of Ohio ” apparently bought ORF’s inventory and is advertising that they will perform repair and rebuild work on Vz. 58s. Note that D-Techniks also sold stripped receivers for a while. Although they are rare (< 50 in the U. S.), it is consequently the case that D-Techniks marked receiver is not a guarantee of a D-Technik’s build.

To complete this review, I used two different rifles: a 2006-era D-Techniks rifle imported by TGI, and a 2008-era Century Arms Vz. 2008. Both of these guns are part of my personal collection and were obtained from FFL dealers on the open market (as opposed to being test samples from the manufacturers).

CSA: Changes Made to the Civilian Versions

D-Techniks Vz. 58 Sporter

The CSA (formerly “D-Techniks”) rifle is imported into the United States in a “Sa Vz. 58 Sporter” configuration, which features a 10-round single-stack magazine. Once in-country, CzechPoint then converted it back to a “military” configuration. A company called Waffen Werks converted older D-Technik rifles for CzechPoint, because, at the time, Czechpoint only possessed a Type 01 FFL. Currently, CzechPoint imports and does the conversion manufacturing in house.

Czechpoint uses at least 5 U. S.-made parts to fully comply with Title 18, U. S.C. Section 922(r): (1) sear, (2) disconnector, (3) trigger, (4) magazine follower, (5) and magazine floor plate. Of these five aforementioned parts, the first two are made from 4140 steel, while the last three are made from Leona 90 G 60 and Zytel ST 801 polymer. In addition, since U. S. law prevents the importation of semi-automatic rifles with bayonet lugs, all U. S. import Vz. 58 rifles made D-Technics / Czech Small Arms do not have the standard bayonet lug. According to Mr. Dan Brown at CzechPoint USA. they will soon be building Vz.58 rifles in house on stripped receivers using factory presses and fixtures imported from Czech Small Arms.

The military version of the Vz.-58 sports a 15.4 inch barrel, which is only legal in the U. S. as an NFA weapon. As a result, the civilian version comes either with a short barrel extension or muzzle brake pinned and welded in place. Because of that, adding a different flash hider or muzzle brake requires a gunsmith (perhaps it’s a DIY job if you have the equipment and skills).

The CAI version simply uses a threaded 16.25-inch barrel for its Vz. 2008 build, which is one of the few perceived advantages to the CAI version.

Operator Controls

D-Techniks Receiver and safety.

You don’t hear many complaints about the imported versions of the Czechpoint Vz. 58, but when you do, it’s usually about the trigger: the trigger in the D-Techniks/CSA imports are made out of polymer. The gripe is not that they break; rather it’s simply that they are made out of plastic. Kind of like dudes who gripe about GLOCKs, I guess. Truth be told, I’ve got no complaints, but if the thought of a plastic trigger freaks you out, Bonesteel Arms will sell you a steel replacement.

Putting the whole plastic thing aside. I think the D-Techniks Vz. 58 has one of the best triggers of any com-bloc military rifle I’ve fired. In fact, I’d stack it up against most any other military semi-automatic rifle, from HKs to AKs, with perhaps the exception being the new breed of aftermarket, non-mil-spec AR triggers.

Having said that, the Vz. 58 trigger takes a bit of getting used to. It starts out with 3/8 inch or so of easy take up, and then you hit a nice “wall” like you would on a typical U. S. two-stage military trigger. However, the trigger doesn’t break just past the wall, as it does with a nice AR trigger. Rather, the trigger continues to the rear in a smooth and steady manner for another 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch (or so), finally breaking without any further wall or warning. In some ways, it reminds me of an HK MP5 trigger, only lighter and smoother.

It’s a trigger that is somewhat difficult to master, but it will really reward you if you apply your fundamentals and concentrate on squeezing the trigger. Fired correctly, the trigger’s break will surprise you every time. Personally, I think the trigger on my D-Teckniks is really excellent, but again, it took a ½ hour or so to get the hang of it.

In contrast, the trigger on my CAI Vz. 2008 is not as nice. It’s not horrendous, mind you. But the fact that Century Arms designed their own sear, disconnector, and trigger feather spring leads to a heavier, albeit perhaps more robust, trigger.

The paddle-style safety on both rifles is located on the right side of the receiver above the pistol grip. In the photo above, the D-Techniks rifle is shown with the safety selector in the “fire” position. When engaged in the safe position, it prevents the disconnecter from engaging the sear, and results in a very positive safety mechanism. When “on safe,” the lever protrudes downward into the area where one would normally hold the pistol grip, thereby giving the operator a tactile indication that is in “safe’ mode. Moving the safety to a “fire” position requires the operator to move the safety forward and up 90 degrees. This replicates the movement required to place the weapon from safe to full-auto mode on the original design.

Most right-handed shooters will use their index finger on their trigger hand to accomplish this task, although some will be tempted to break their grip and use their thumb. The safety works independently of the striker, and can therefore can be manipulated regardless of whether the rifle is cocked. In the same vein, the rifle can be loaded or unloaded while the safety selector is in the “safe” position. Overall, I rate this safety as a solid improvement over the AK-47 design, but it is admittedly not as ergonomic as an AR-15 safety.

Although not technically an ambidextrous design, many left-handed shooters will be able to turn the safety to “fire” position by pushing it forward using the thumb of their firing hand. Flipping the safety down using the non-firing hand will place the rifle back in a “safe” condition. As an additional aside, North Eastern Arms makes an ambidextrous safety, but frustratingly they are out of stock more often than not.

The safety on the CAI Vz. 2008 is installed in a manner that replicates the safe-to-semi movement of the original design. In the photo at top left, you see the Vz. 2008 safety in the “safe” position. The photo at top right shows the safety in the “fire” position. As you can see, you have to rotate the safety clockwise (i. e. towards the rear of the gun) to get it in an operational mode. You pretty much have to break your grip on the pistol grip to accomplish this task.

The magazine release is located on the bottom left of the rifle, just forward to the trigger guard. Pushing forward on the release lever will release the magazine. It’s pretty ideal for a right-handed shooter, but difficult for a leftie. There are ambidextrous mag releases available as aftermarket accessories. These work well even for right handed shooters, as they allow the operator to drop the mag using the trigger finger of the shooting hand, similar to an M-16.

The follower of an empty magazine engages the bolt stop (see photo above), which is located forward of the trigger guard and to the right of the magazine release lever. The bolt stop can also be engaged manually, in a manner similar to a Ruger 10/22, HK G-36, or similar designs.

Barrel & Muzzle Devices

Czech Small Arms uses new production 15.4 inch, chrome-lined, cold-hammer-forged, four-groove barrels featuring a 1 in 9.5 inch twist. The barrels are manufactured by Lothar Walther in Germany, a company well regarded for making some of the best production barrels in the world. Based on my experience with these rifles, the ones made for D-Techniks / CSA are no exception.

The chrome-lining process will soon be performed in-house by Czech Small Arms. The following video shows how the barrels are pressed in to the receiver.

Note that CSA has to weld on a barrel extension to bring the barrel up to 16.25,” as required by Federal law. When I first purchased my D-Techniks, I figured I would be able to replace the muzzle cap/extension with an aftermarket AK flash suppressor. However, it turns out that the CSA Vz. 58 uses right handed threads, as opposed to the left handed thread on a typical AK variant. So much for that idea. I purchased a really nice “Crusader” muzzle brake from North Eastern Arms, but I have not had it installed yet.

CAI’s Vz. 2008 uses a U. S. made 16.25 inch barrel with a 1 in 9.5 inch twist. These barrels are not chrome-lined. It has been widely reported on the internet that these barrels are made by Green Mountain, but I have not independently verified that information. Nonetheless, my Vz. 2008 barrel appears to be well-made. I originally posted that the Vz. 2008 uses left handed threads common to AK pattern rifles. That apparently was not entirely correct. I called my gunsmith and he confirmed that my CAI Vz. 2008 has “14mm – 1mm right hand” threads. Czechpoint posts the following on their website pertaining to the Vz 2008:



So, again, Century buyer beware.

The sights on all Vz. 58s are the typical combloc design, and consist of an open notched leaf rear and a wing-protected front post front. The front sight is adjustable for windage using a tool, and can be screwed up or down to adjust for elevation. The rear tangent sight is adjustable for elevation to 800 meters. It also features a “U” (“univerzální”) marking, which is used a 300 meter battlesight zero.

The sights on my D-Techniks are right on the money, because they get checked and test fired before they leave the factory. The Century Arms Vz. 2008s are a bit more hit and miss in the department. While my sample had sights that were close enough to be considered acceptable, it is common to find samples that are significantly out of alignment.

There are three options for mounting optics. First, CSA manufactures a Picatinny scope rail mount that replaces the receiver cover. CSA also manufactures a side mount plate to the receiver. Finally, the most common optic solution is to use a mount with replaces the top handguard.

Metal Finish

All CSA rifles are phosphated, and then a baked-on finish is applied on top of the phosphate. The finish is baked at 300F degrees for one hour. This finish is extremely durable – similar to a KG Coating’s Gun Kote.

The finish on the Century Arms Vz. 2008 is simple parkerization over bead-blasted metal. Its adequate to get the job done but that’s about all you can say about it.

In true commie style, the Vz. 58’s stock furniture is a cheap-looking, wood-chip impregnated plastic that vaguely resembles particle board. Despite the cheap looks, the furniture functions well and is very durable and long-lasting. Colors can vary in shade from a medium color red to a dark color red (and can exhibit slight variations in hue, such as: reddish brown and reddish purple). The wooden stock has a short length of pull, similar to a Warsaw length stock on an AK. In the photo above, the black handgrip is a U. S. made 922r compliance part, whereas the other parts are all Czech-made mil-sup “factory” parts.

One nice thing about the Vz. 58 furniture is that owners can switch between the factory side-folder and the fixed butt stock with nothing more than a large flathead screwdriver. However, owners of Vz. 2008s need to be forewarned: some of these guns have been built so far out of spec that aftermarket parts won’t fit. In talking about this issue with the guys from the Mako Group, it appears that aftermarket parts fit on some Vz. 2008s but not others. In most cases, you can get them to fit with some hand fitting. However, aftermarket parts will not be returnable if you bubba them in your effort to get them to fit.

The alloy magazine of the Vz. 58 is a proprietary design, and is not interchangeable with an AK-47 magazine. The fact that it doesn’t use AK mags seems to be a source of great frustration for many, and I’ve heard some refer to it as a “deal-killer.” Frankly, I don‘t understand this complaint. The Vz. 58 mags are roughly half the weight of the steel AK-47 magazine. They rock into place more easily than the mags made for the AK-47, and have none of that annoying wobble that is common to the AK builds you see here in the states. They’re easy to load to capacity, and as mentioned earlier, the mags can be loaded from stripper clips by using the rifle as a guide. Based on appearance and feel, one would expect it to be not as strong as a steel AK magazine, but I have only run across one surplus mag that did not work as advertised.

Granted, they aren’t as ubiquitous as AK mags, and I am not aware of after-market substitutes. Nonetheless, extra mags typically run $15-20 for used surplus, and $25-33 for new magazines. I’ve only got 15 or so, so I need to get some more!


D-Techniks w/ FAB Defense furniture / accessories and AIMPOINT T-1

Although different than an AK, disassembly takes only a slight amount skill/thought. You begin by making sure the striker is in a forward, uncocked position (i. e. by pulling the trigger on an empty chamber, similar to a Glock). You then move the captured pin located on the receiver cover from left to right. The receiver cover (and attached springs) can be removed once this takedown pin is out of the way. Once the receiver cover is removed, the bolt carrier group slides up and out of its rails in a manner similar to an AK.

Once apart, the bolt can be removed from the bolt carrier, and the striker can be removed from the bolt carrier. This later operation is a bit tricky at first. You first pull the striker all the way to the rear, then return it approximately a ¼ inch forward and then twist in a counter clockwise motion for 20 degrees or so and then pull outwards. It may sound complicated, but in practice its pretty easy once you get the feel for it.

The gas piston rod is easily removed once the top handguard is taken off the rifle. The top handguard is held in place by a single captured retaining pin, not unlike an AR-15 pin.

Assembly is simply the reverse operation. The only tricks you need to know are: 1) the locking lugs should be in a retracted/unlocked position as you guide the bolt carrier group back on the recover rails, and 2) the striker should be in the forward (uncocked) position before attempting to reinstall the receiver cover.

One important safety note: It’s possible to reassemble the rifle without the locking piece installed onto the bolt. If you fire the rifle without the locking piece installed, you re going to get a ka-boom, which will ruin your day, to say the least.

Let’s face it: the two biggest inhibitors to good accuracy on most military rifles are the triggers and the sights. As mentioned above, the Vz. 58’s sights are typical com-bloc, warts and all. So I did most of my accuracy testing with an Aimpoint T-1 red-dot sight.

When I first started accuracy testing the D-Techniks Vz. 58, I was only getting 2-3 inch, 3-shot groups at 50 yards using CAI’s “Red Army Standard” steel cased Ukrainian-made ammo and an Aimpoint T-1 red-dot. No está bien. But when I really started concentrated on my trigger fundamentals, I got those groups down to about one inch (2 MOA-ish) at 50 yards. I then switched to Federal “American Eagle” brass-cased ammo and immediately started turning in a string of ½ inch (+/-) three-shot groups.

With my confidence in myself and the gun restored, I then ran the targets out to 100 yards and was rewarded with a string of 5-shot groups what averaged just a hair over 1 MOA. A photo of one of those “typical” groups is posted above. Please overlook the fact that I used Yugo mil-sup ammo in the photo above – I had run out of American Eagle by the time I got around to taking the pics.

In any event, I’m confident that I could even achieve a few sub-MOA 5 shot groups if I used a magnified optic and more of the (admittedly expensive) U. S. brass cased ammo. But honestly, I’m not sure I want to bother with a magnified optic placed out on the handguard rail. Perhaps I’ll try to get one of the new picatinny rail equipped receiver covers from CSA (if they ever start importing them) and mount an IOR Valdada 1x-4x Pitbull scope on it. In the meantime, I am content with the 1 MOA accuracy I was getting with the Aimpoint T-1. Hell, for the money the 2 MOA I was getting with Tulammo or Red Army Standard is pretty decent at half the cost.

I have not done any formal accuracy testing with the Vz. 2008 because its still in the shop getting repaired. Once I get it back, I will update this section of the review with accuracy results.


Photo Courtesy Oleg Volk @ www. olegvolk. net

When it comes to reliability, the design of the Vz. 58 is sound. I will state in full disclosure that I’ve had some problems with both of my Vz. 58s, but for reasons that I will explain below, I still have full confidence in this weapon system.

First, the sear on my second-hand D-Technics Vz. 58 broke off after around 700 rounds, rendering the weapon inoperable. According to Mr. Dan Brown of Czech Point USA, my rifle, serial number Vz. 58 011XX, was one of the first batch (circa 2006-ish) that were built with the new BATFE-approved semi-auto sear. Apparently, the U. S.-made sear on this initial batch was flawed, but that issue was soon identified and fixed by redesigning the sear. Dan sent me out a new upgraded sear for free the same day I called, despite the fact that my rifle was well past its 5-year warranty and I was not the first owner. He even threw in some free swag in the form of a CSA logoed pen and some CSA stickers. Awesome customer service!

Since replacing the sear, I have put over 1,500 rounds through the rifle without any sear-related issues. Thus, as a precaution, it makes sense to upgrade to a current production sear if you have an early production run D-Techniks rifle.

In fact, I have only experienced two sets of malfunctions since that time. I tried a batch of cheap steel-cased soft points, and the gun would occasionally choke on these. Nonetheless, I ran at least 30 rounds of the new, uber-premium Winchester PDX-1 hollow-point ammo through the D-Technics with no problems. In March of 2014, I experienced two double-feed malfunctions using TulAmmo FMJ. Both jams occurred within a minute of each other using one of my older looking surplus magazines. I have since determined that the mag’s feed lips were slightly bent out of spec. Since that day, I have run an additional 400-500 rounds through the rifle (using different mags) without issue. Based on these experiences, I remain highly confidence in the D-Techniks Vz. 58 Sporter.

The Century Arms International Vz. 2008 was another matter entirely. It ran great for the first 200 rounds or so before it went DMFB-DW on me. At that point, I started experiencing some light primer strikes. I tried switching ammo, but soon it would not fire any type of ammo. It took me a while to diagnose the problem; at first I suspected a broken firing pin was to blame. However, it turned out that the barrel was not pressed in tight enough, and had worked itself loose ever so slightly over the course of those 200 +/- rounds. This created a headspace problem that prevented the firing pin from reaching the primer.

I called Century and asked them to fix it under warranty. They declined, on the grounds that the one-year warranty had expired. I only had possession of the gun for a month prior, but apparently the gun had sat at my FFL for too long before I picked it up. Century has to be the only company I know that has a warranty that begins to run the moment the distributor or retail outlet buys the gun from the factory, as opposed to when the final end-user takes possession.

So I said to Century, “Ok, forget the warranty – please fix it and bill me.” They responded by stating that they did not perform non-warranty-related repair services, even on their own guns. Basically, they said I was on my own. Too bad, so sad. So the rifle is now at a local gun shop in Keizer, Oregon getting repaired. Tres lame.


Overall, the Sa Vz. 58 is a must-have addition for any collector of Cold War-era firearm design, as well for collectors just looking for a unique variant that uses Warsaw Pact 7.62×39 mm semi-automatic rifle, The Czech Small Arms Vz. 58 Sporter is a high-quality example of one of the more obscure military rifles of that era.

My CAI Vz. 2008, on the other hand, ended up having a major manufacture-related malfunction, which seems to par for course for the drunken monkeys at Century. Others have gotten lucky and bought Vz. 2008s that ran great. As always with Century, it’s the luck of the draw. You feelin lucky? The CAI Vz. 2008 may look like a good deal at first glance, but when you start comparing features, the CSA model comes out on top by a long shot:

CSA / D-Techniks Century Arms Int.

Czech Receiver, some mil-sup parts. Parts kit gun built on U. S. receiver.

Baked on enamel finish over parkerizing Simple parkerizing

Chrome lined Lothar Walther barrel No chrome lining in U. S. made barrel

Single feather spring; light trigger pull Double feather spring, heavier trigger pull

Safety moves forward for semi Safety moved to the rear for semi

Uses Vz 58 muzzle brakes God only knows.

2 mags standard One mag standard

No bayonet lug Bayonet lug

Works with aftermarket products Aftermarket parts may not fit / poor fit

5 year warranty Sketchy 1 year warranty

Excellent customer service Crapshoot customer service

Smart money is on the CSA. Buy one, you won’t regret it. Unfortunately CzechPoint USA seems to be out of stock quite often, so jump on it when they do get them in.

Specifications ( D-Techniks / CSA Sporter) :

Caliber : 7.62 x 39mm (5.56 x 45mm and .222 Remington variants also exist)

Action: Gas operated; tilting block, striker fired.

Barrel: 15.4 inches, with a barrel extension to bring the final length to 16.25 inches

Weight: 6.7 pounds unloaded.

Length: 34 inches. 25 7/8 inches with folding stock retracted.

Capacity: 30 round magazines.

Ratings of D-Techniks/CSA Sporter (Out of Five Stars):

All ratings are relative compared to the other weapons in the gun’s category. Overall rating is not mathematically derived from the previous component ratings and encompasses all aspects of the firearm including those not discussed.

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CZ VZ.58 SPORTER Tactical Hi Cap VZ58 7.62X39 New! LAYAWAY OPTION AK47 05051

Factory New Old Stock & unfired Czech SA Vz.58 MILITARY SPORTER semi-auto service carbine.

The Sa vz. 58 was developed by Ing. Jiri Cermak & adopted by the Czech army in 1958, produced by CZ in Uhersky Brod until 1983. Approx one million Sa vz. 58 rifles were produced during it's 20 year production. It is still the standard issue service rifle in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The Tactical Sporter rifle is manufactured by combining original Sa vz58 components with a new semi-auto only milled receiver, a new trigger mechanism and new fire control parts.

While the appearance of the VZ 58 looks similar to the AK-47, it was inspired by the German StG 44 and initial development was actually based on the 7.92 x 33. Mechanically, the VZ 58 is completely different from the AK47, and no parts including mags are interchangeable.

Differences between the VZ 58 Sporter and the AK-47: The VZ58 has a MILLED receiver, the AK-47 is stamped. Even with the milled receiver it is almost one pound lighter than a stamped AK-47. The bolt of the VZ-58 stays open after the last round in the magazine has been fired. The VZ 58 has a more natural point of aim and is faster handling. The safety is more ergonomic making a faster first shot possible with the VZ 58. The ejection port is HUGE. There is no chance of an empty case getting stuck in the action of the VZ/58. The VZ 58 gas piston can be removed or exchanged without tools. The alloy magazine of the VZ.58 is half the weight of the steel AK-47 maG. (.42 lb. vs. 84 lb.) VZ 58 is easier to field strip. The VZ 58 is striker fired unlike the hammer fired AK-47. This reduces the number of parts and possible points of failure.

Accessories included: Two (2) 30-round mags. Cleaning kit. Sling. VZ. 58 Sport owner's manual and history on CD.

Made in Czeck Republic for CZ-USA.

SPECS: Caliber: 7.62 x 39 mm. Action: Gas operated, tilting breech block. OA length: 913 mm / 35.94". Barrel length: 410 mm / 16.14" chrome lined. Weight: w/ empty mag 3.32 kg / 7.32 lbs. Mag capacity: 30-rounds. Sights: 100 to 800 meter adjustable rear, hooded front. Stock: Zytel.


SA v z.58 SPORTER CAL. 7.62X39 US PATENT NO. 7,373,868

LAYAWAY price is $1790 with PRIOR approval only. 90-days max. FIRST, please send message requesting layaway terms. No phone calls to start layaway process.

***Legal for civilians of the FREE states. YOU are responsible to know your state's firearm laws…not us. Sale is “FINAL” and “AS IS”. no exchange, return, refund or credit. Full Factory Warranty on any defects.***

Mfgr warranty. Box/papers. Please see all terms. ¡Gracias!

2.91 kg ( Script error  lb)

vz. 58 P: 845 mm ( Bad rounding here Script error  in)

The vz. 58 is a 7.62mm assault rifle designed and manufactured in Czechoslovakia and accepted into service in the late 1950s as the 7,62 mm samopal vzor 58 ("7.62mm submachine gun model 1958"), replacing the vz. 52 self-loading rifle and the 7.62×25mm Tokarev vz. 24 and vz. 26 submachine guns. The vz. 58 externally resembles the Soviet AK-47 but is internally a substantially different design based on a short-stroke gas piston. which shares no parts with the Kalashnikov design. [2]

Historia Editar sección

Development of the weapon began in 1956; leading the project was chief engineer Jiří Čermák assigned to the Konstrukta Brno facility in the city of Brno. The Soviet Union had begun insisting that the Warsaw Pact forces standardize on a common ammunition. As a result, the prototype, known as the "Koště" ("broom"), was designed to chamber the intermediate Soviet 7.62×39mm M43 cartridge, rather than the Czech 7.62×45mm vz. 52 round, used in both the earlier vz. 52 rifle and the vz. 52 light machine gun. [3] The assault rifle entered service in 1958 and over a period of 25 years (until 1984), over 920,000 weapons had been produced, fielded by the armed forces of Czechoslovakia. Cuba and several other Asian and African nations.

The vz. 58 was produced in three main variants: the standard vz. 58 P ( Pěchotní or "infantry") model with a fixed buttstock made of a synthetic material (wood impregnated plastic, older versions used a wooden stock), the vz. 58 V ( Výsadkový —"airborne"), featuring a side-folding metal shoulder stock, folded to the right side, and the vz. 58 Pi ( Pěchotní s infračerveným zaměřovačem —"infantry with infrared sight"), which is similar to the vz. 58 P but includes a receiver-mounted dovetail bracket (installed on the left side of the receiver) used to attach an NSP2 night sight; it also has a detachable folding bipod and an enlarged conical flash suppressor.

A successor to the vz. 58 was proposed in the 1990s; the 5.56×45mm NATO ČZ 2000 assault rifle has been suggested as a possible replacement but due to a general lack of defense funds within the Czech Republic. the program was postponed. Another recent contender is the ČZW-556 assault rifle and ČZW-762 light machine gun which both use lever-delayed blowback which has more reliable accuracy and performance over the gas operation.

Design details Edit

Operating mechanism Edit

The vz. 58 field stripped

Members of Active Reserve of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic armed with vz.58

The vz. 58 is a selective fire gas-operated weapon that bleeds expanding combustion gases generated in the barrel from the ignited cartridge through a port drilled in the barrel, 215 mm ( Script error  in) from the chamber, opening into a hollow cylinder located above the barrel that contains a short-stroke piston. The vz. 58 does not have a gas regulator and the full force of the gas pressure is exerted on the piston head, propelling it backwards in a single impulsive blow. The piston is driven back only 19 mm ( Script error  in) when a shoulder on the piston rod butts against the seating and no further movement is possible. There is a light return spring held between the piston shoulder and the seating which returns the piston to its forward position. The gas cylinder is vented after the piston has traveled back 16 mm ( Script error  in) and the remaining gases are exhausted into the atmosphere on the underside of the cylinder via two ports. The entire piston rod is chromium-plated to prevent fouling.

The locking system features a falling breech lock hinged from the bolt and housed in the bolt carrier that contains two locking lugs which descend into and engage locking shoulders in the receiver 's internal guide rails. The weapon is unlocked by the short tappet-like stroke of the piston rod as it strikes the bolt carrier and drives it rearwards. After 22 mm ( Script error  in) of unrestricted travel, a wedge-like surface on the bolt carrier moves under the breech locking piece and lifts it up and out of engagement with the locking recesses in the steel body. The breech locking piece swings up and this movement provides the leverage required for primary extraction. The breech block is then carried rearwards extracting the empty cartridge casing from the chamber. A fixed ejector passes through a groove cut in the underside of the bolt and the case is flung upwards clear of the gun.

Features Edit

The spring-loaded extractor and firing pin are both housed inside the breech lock, while the fixed ejector is located at the base of the receiver.

The weapon does not have a conventional rotating hammer but is striker-fired and the striker is a steel bar hollowed from one end almost throughout its entire length to accommodate its own operating spring. At the open end of the striker, a plate is welded and there is a groove cut in each side of this to slide on the receiver guide rails. This hammer-striker enters the hollow bolt and drives a fully floating firing pin forward with each shot. [3]

The rifle uses a trigger mechanism with a lever-type fire mode selector, which is also a manual safety against accidental discharge. When the selector lever is placed in its rear position ("1"—single fire) the sear is disabled and the left striker catch is rotated by the disconnector, which is depressed by the bolt carrier after every shot and is therefore disconnected from the striker catch. The forward setting of the selector lever ("30"—automatic fire) disables the disconnector, and the left striker catch meshes with the sear mechanism. The center ("safe") setting with the selector lever pointing vertically downwards, mechanically lowers the trigger bar and the disconnector so there is no connection between the trigger and the semi-automatic sear which holds the hammer. The rifle also has an internal safety, which prevents the weapon from discharging when out of battery. The right striker-hammer catch disables the striker-hammer, and it can only be released by pulling the charging handle back and cocking the weapon.

The weapon is fed from a detachable box magazine with a 30-round cartridge capacity and made from a lightweight alloy. [3] When the last round from the magazine is fired, the bolt will remain locked open on the bolt catch, activated by the magazine's follower. The magazine release tab is located at the base of the receiver on the left side, behind the magazine well. The bolt carrier has a built-in guide rail used for reloading from 10-round stripper clips (from the SKS rifle). Despite their similarity, vz. 58 magazines are not interchangeable with those of the AK-47 and its derivatives.

An interesting feature on this rifle is the ability to quickly change the type of stock it has. The vz. 58 can appear with either a fixed wooden stock or a side-folding metal stock. Switching between the two requires merely removal of a pin at the rear of the receiver and swapping in the stock of choice.

Sights Edit

The rifle's iron sights consist of a fully adjustable front post and a tangent rear sight with a sliding notch with range denominations from 100 to 800 m, graduated every 100 m. Besides this, the left side of the rear sight leaf is marked with the letter "U" ( univerzální meaning "universal"), for snap shooting, firing at moving targets and night combat at ranges up to 300 m. The rifle's sight radius is 15 inches ( Bad rounding here Script error  cm). [3] The front sight base also serves as a mounting platform for the vz. 58 edged bayonet.

Accessories Edit

As of 2009 several Modernization Accessories have been manufactured for the vz. 58 platform from companies such as Neit Arms Inc and North Eastern Arms. Accessories include; Tactical Bolt Release, Extended and Ambidextrous Magazine Releases, Ambidextrous Selectors, Handguard sets with Lower 1/3 Cowitness, a wide assortment of Mounting options and Muzzle Brakes. Many of these items are currently being used by PMC Companies in the Middle East.

Additional equipment supplied with the rifle includes: 4 spare magazines, a magazine pouch, vz. 58 bayonet and scabbard, cleaning brush, muzzle cap, oil bottle, unified sling, front sight adjustment tool and a threaded blank-firing adaptor. The vz. 58 also has a proprietary bipod.

Variants Edit

The vz. 58 V model features a side-folding shoulder stock. This particular rifle is also fitted with a railed handguard.

The vz. 58 V model with a side-folding shoulder stock used by Czech Army soldiers in KFOR operation.

vz. 58 P . Standard fixed stock .

vz. 58 V . Metal folding stock version for vehicle crew and airborne units.

vz. 58 Pi . Has a mounting interface for an infrared night vision NSP-2 sight, fixed stock, cone flash hider and folding bipod.

Automatická puška ("automatic rifle") AP-Z 67 . Experimental 7.62×51mm NATO caliber version developed in 1966.

Útočná puška ("assault rifle") ÚP-Z 70 . Experimental 5.56×45mm NATO version developed in 1970.

Experimentální zbraň ("experimental weapon") EZ-B . Experimental bullpup prototype developed in 1976.

Ruční kulomet ("light machine gun") codename KLEČ ("dwarf pine"): Experimental variant with a 590 mm barrel (similar to RPK ), developed in 1976.

Lehká odstřelovačská puška ("light sniper rifle") vz. 58/97 . Experimental marksman rifle developed by VTÚVM Slavičín.

Samopal ("submachine gun") vz. 58/98 "Bulldog" . 9×19mm Parabellum variant developed by VTÚVM Slavičín.

CZH 2003 Sport . Semi-automatic only variant for civilian consumption. Available with either a standard (390 mm) or shortened (295 mm) barrel. Limited production was made for the civilian market in Canada with an extended barrel length of (490 mm).

CZ 858 Tactical . A semi-automatic variant designed for the civilian market in Canada. Available with standard (390 mm) barrel length on the restricted -4V version, or extended (482 mm) barrel length on the -2 version. The barrel is not chrome-lined in the -2 version unlike the military and -4V version. External components have a new varnish coat (identical to the coating used on original military rifles).

FSN Series . Civilian semi-automatic variants. Available in standard (FSN-01, 390 mm), with or without folding stock (FSN-01F and FSN-01W, which has a wooden cheek piece), or shortened (279 mm) barrel lengths (also with folding stock), outer parts are blued .

VZ-58 Sporter Series . Available in 5.56 NATO. or 7.62×39mm. these carbines are made by Czech Small Arms, and not Česká zbrojovka .

References Edit

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